
Self-Care Is Never A Selfish Act Boudoir | Philadelphia, PA

Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?

A: Actually, I first heard about boudoir has an art form maybe 10-15 years ago. I have wanted to do a shoot ever since, and I have come close, but I never actually went through with doing it. Then last fall, a new friend told me she has photos taken all the time, and I started looking around again at different studios.

The instant I saw one of Rachel’s photos on Instagram for the first time, my jaw literally dropped. I couldn’t believe how gorgeous this woman looked. I thought she was a model, but I was like wait – this is a boudoir ad. I was like – is this something I could do too?! I knew right then and there I had to meet Rachel.

Q: What was your initial reason for booking?

A: This past summer was really hard mentally and emotionally for me, just for a variety of reasons. I wasn’t in the right head space. I’m getting older – I’m in my 40s – and I wasn’t feeling like myself anymore. I really didn’t know what I needed. I figured I could use this shoot as a morale booster, and that it would hopefully give me the much needed confidence I was lacking.

Q: Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?

A: From Rachel’s photos, I knew she was a true artist and an excellent photographer, so I really didn’t have any worries there. I just was mostly worried about making a connection with her and the rest of her team and feeling comfortable enough to actually go through with it. I was worried about screwing something up! I just wanted to have awesome photos, but I felt after reading the reviews online that I would have the best shot getting great results with coaching from RJS.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time?

A: I legitimately wanted to cry. The photos are truly worth more to me than any dollar amount. They are so, so perfect. I never, ever could have imagined how amazing they would have turned out or how incredibly happy I would be with the final results. Rachel’s eye is impeccable. She is amazing.

A: After seeing my images, I definitely feel empowered. I finally took the plunge, and it was so worth it! I love boudoir as an art form, and I would recommend every woman who has interest to do it. It’s fun, it’s beautiful, and you get your power back. It’s amazing to see that it’s YOU in those images!

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?

A: 1000%. RJS is top tier – it doesn’t get any better than this. I knew my images would be good, but I truly had no idea how incredible the whole experience and the final result would really be. I have already mentioned the studio to several friends, but now that I have my photos I can’t wait to share those too!

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?

A: I would say, pick out an outfit that you love, even if it’s a little bit on the wild side, because you won’t regret it. Rachel makes you feel so comfortable and confident and beautiful. Kasey in makeup is also amazing, and she is great and helping you relax before you actually get started shooting. She did a gorgeous job as well!

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add to your interview?

A: I am incredibly grateful to Rachel and her staff, because this has been an experience I will remember and treasure forever. I hope to come back again for a themed shoot one day. See you online in the FB group in the meantime!!

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Located in Bernville, PA


Rachel Jasmine Studio serves the Greater Reading Area, Berks and Lancaster Counties, and Eastern Pennsylvania as a dedicated Boudoir & Beauty photography studio. Helping women fall in love with themselves every single day with a luxury experience that will change your life.