Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?
A: Honestly, I actually saw a friend’s photos from RJS and absolutely fell in love with HER photos. The shoot that my girlfriend had, taking a working mother of two and turning her into a complete goddess – it was something I wanted to experience from a female photographer.

Q: What was your initial reason for booking?
A: Truthfully, I’m in scrubs 95% of the time. Typically the other 3% is spent is pajamas and the other 2% is when I can actually be myself [when I feel up to getting all done up]. This was completely for me, to remind myself that I am more than a pair of scrubs, a messy bun, and a surgical mask. I wanted to be captured by someone who understood every females insecurities – who truly understood how when we all look into a mirror we may not like our stretch marks or our cellulite but these things make us who we are and as much as we may not want to … They should be celebrated because they’re apart of us.

Q: Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?
A: I don’t care if this is your first shoot or your fifteenth – the fact that your letting your guard down and essentially getting as vulnerable as you can in front of a camera is terrifying. I fully expected to be a total clam the entire time. I didn’t expect to be met with such a warm, kind hearted person that I instantly connected with. I was smiling and laughing the entire time – not to mention the fantastic conversation that was had while in the studio. It overall a calming environment that made the experience so enjoyable.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time?
A: Holy Shit. Am I allowed to just put it that bluntly? Being able to see myself look that feminine and soft is such a game changer. You look at your photos for the first time and you’re instantly in shock thinking that it really can’t be you that you’re staring at, but … It is and it’s such a moving feeling overall to know that you look that damn good.

Q: What products did you purchase, and why do you think other women might love the same pieces?
A: Bodysuits. There is nothing that I love more. It is flattering on everyone, for someone like myself who is plus sized it hides my tummy when I’m feeling more self conscious than usual. It’s a confidence booster, for sure.

Q: Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?
A: I’m a fairly confident individual [most] days. But like everyone, I have my moments … It is such a confidence boost to be able to look at these photos of myself and know that on my worst days, I’m a fucking goddess. I’m brave enough to have someone photograph me with little to no clothes on and I look gorgeous doing it. How many people can say that? It makes me smile every time I think about it and it makes me remember that I’m beautiful.

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?
A: Without hesitation. I have never met a more outspoken, laid back individual whose ultimate goal is to truly do for the client. Having someone go over everything without before shooting, showing you poses before you get into them – it’s taking the extra step or going the extra mile that means the most. I’ve done shoots with other photographers, but this is the first time that I can say that I’m anxiously waiting to go back for a second one.

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?
A: If you’re considering it – take the leap. Every email that you get about shopping, what to expect – READ THEM. And remember, this is a celebration of you … So it’s okay to be nervous, but have fun with it, let loose, and enjoy it.