
Body Love Boudoir | Lancaster, PA

Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?

A: I saw RJS as an ad on Instagram stories. I clicked right through it, then a few minutes later backtracked to find the ad again. It caught my attention and I felt like I needed to “read more.” And when I did, it immediately spoke to me. It was literally as if Rachel was speaking to me because everything written about the studio, mission and experience resonated with me.

Q: What was your initial reason for booking?

A: I wanted to book with Rachel for the experience, but I couldn’t justify spending the money on myself, for myself, so I thought of the closest date that I would be able to use the pictures as a gift for my husband, which was our anniversary that was only 2 1/2 months away. I thought if I could pull this off, it would be an awesome gift for him. By the end of the whole experience, I realized this was a gift for me. It didn’t just change my perspective about myself from complete negativity to a more positive view, it changed my whole outlook on life, my happiness, my relationships with my husband, and my relationship with myself.

Q: Do you have a “expectation vs reality” story to tell about your shoot?

A: My expectation going into my shoot was that I would feel awkward and uncomfortable and it would show in the pictures. I thought, “I’m never going to be able to look like the girls on the website,” and further, “I am NEVER going to look good half naked, in a picture, with minimal retouching.” I kept hoping for a miracle that my time, and Rachel’s time, wouldn’t be wasted and I would find at least a few pictures that I looked somewhat decent enough in to share with my hubby. Well, the reality is quite different because I didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable at all. I felt sexy, confident and bold for doing something like this. And when it came time for my reveal, I couldn’t find just a few pictures, because I loved them all and had a really hard time narrowing them down. Initially I thought, “Rachel is a miracle worker to make me look like a seasoned model,” but then I realized, these were pictures of ME, the real ME. No retouching, no change in the pixelation of the photographs to make me look thinner or have more defined features. I did look like a seasoned model and it was because of me.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time?

A: it was surreal seeing my images for the first time. I didn’t recognize myself at first and was completely shocked by how they turned out. I remember doing some poses that in my head I “knew” I was not going to like and those happened to be my favorite pictures at my reveal. In fact, I cried at my reveal because I looked at myself negatively for so long and then when I saw my pictures and thought how amazing I looked, I felt badly for treating myself any differently.

A: Everything has changed for me since my boudior experience and seeing my gallery. My outlook on my body image has done a complete 180, and in turn, I have noticed relationships with people have bettered, I started to do more things for me that have made me happier, I actually enjoy shopping for clothes and lingerie, I stand taller, I speak louder…My confidence is bigger then its ever been.

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?

A: I recommend RJS and the boudoir experience to everyone. I think everyone needs to do this because it has an effect on more than just body image.

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?

A: Do it! Don’t think about it. Just do it!

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Located in Bernville, PA


Rachel Jasmine Studio serves the Greater Reading Area, Berks and Lancaster Counties, and Eastern Pennsylvania as a dedicated Boudoir & Beauty photography studio. Helping women fall in love with themselves every single day with a luxury experience that will change your life.