Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?
A: I searched for top photographers in the Philadelphia area and I came across her page. I am lucky I did too!

Q: What was your initial reason for booking?
A: I wanted to do something for myself and I have always wanted to do a photoshoot like this. I cant wait to do it again.

Q: Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?
A: I had no expectations, I just wanted to feel free and safe, which I did. It was an amazing experience.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time?
A: I absolutely loved it. I used to do photoshoots with my ex, but never anything like this. I felt as pretty as I feel seeing the photos that were taken. I am so in love.

Q: What products did you purchase, and why do you think other women might love the same pieces?
A: I purchased a package and did an outfit change. I am glad I did. I do not think I was expecting to love so many photos. It was hard to narrow down to 10 photos to keep, but I made good choices. I think other woman will be more than pleased with the experience. It is worth every penny.

Q: Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?
A: I already have a pretty healthy body image, however, it was a wonderful experience to just be me in front of a camera. I loved every minute of it. I recommend every woman/man to do this once. We are here for a short time, everyone should have at least one moment where there can expose themselves to the world if for nothing else but to just say…this is me.

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?
A: Without a doubt I would. I am already planning my next session. It won’t be for a few years, but I am so excited to do it again. Do not be fooled, you do not need to do this for someone else. Do this for yourself.

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?
A: Like Nike, just do it. Give yourself a chance to fall in love with the woman you are. Book a session and go there to be free. You will not be disappointed with the results.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add to your interview?
A: If you are a confident person that has always wanted to do this, this is the place you want. If you maybe aren’t as confident as you should/ would like to be, this is your only place to go. Rachel is amazing. This experience will give you all the things you are looking for and more.