How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?
I first heard of RJS from my friend who previously shot with Rachel. She said so many amazing things about her experience. It made me want to give it a try. It was crazy because a few months after I talked with my friend about RJS, Rachel posted about a model call and I knew it was my time to do it. So, I filled out the application and I got picked!

What was your initial reason for booking?
I wanted to book with RJS because I wanted to boosted my confidence level.

What were your expectations going into the shoot?
I expected things to be pretty simple and to just go in, do the shoot, and leave. BUT, I was totally wrong. It was one of the most fun experiences I’ve ever had. I had amazing conversations with Rachel and the makeup artist, Kasey. They both made me feel so comfortable and it was like I was just hanging out with two good friends. Most people wouldn’t expect it to be comfortable to get your pictures taken half naked in front of a someone you just met, but Rachel made it so amazing and created a calm atmosphere for me.

What is the best prep advice you could give to another woman getting ready for their boudoir session?
My best prep advice is to make sure you get a good night of sleep prior to your session. It makes the whole experience so much better if you are fully rested and won’t have to worry about feeling drained. Don’t worry though, if you do feel tired, RJS does provide coffee 😉

What was it like shopping for lingerie? Did you love it? Hate it? Did the pieces you liked surprise you?
Shopping for lingerie was a breeze for me. I already had so many pieces in my closet because I love lingerie and I feel good wearing it. I did do some more shopping though for new pieces and I loved it. It is so much fun looking at all different kinds of lingerie and picking out what pieces I wanted for my session. For my session, I picked a piece that was a bit different than the “normal” lingerie pieces I’ve seen other clients wear and I wasn’t sure if we would incorporate it into the shoot. We did end up using it for my session and it was AMAZING and I am so happy that I chose a more out of the box piece.

What was it like seeing your images for the first time?
Seeing my images for the first time was insane for me. I’ve never seen myself in that way before and it boosted my confidence level so much. Every single image looked stunning. I kept thinking to myself “omg that’s me. no way.” When the first image popped up it took me off guard for a second because I was so shocked by how GOOD I looked.

Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?
So so much has changed for me since my boudoir experiences. I feel more confident than I have my entire life and I look at myself in a whole new light. I now know that I have the power to look that good like I did in my images. Like, that was ME. I have so much more self love and happiness within myself because of my session with RJS. My body image is so much better now and I feel good about the way I look. I am proud of the body that I have and I think it is beautiful. I am forever grateful for RJS for helping me finally appreciate myself and the body I have.

Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?
I would 100% recommend RJS for the boudoir experience to others. I actually already have recommended it to a lot of my friends & family. Some of them even booked sessions already!! I will always spread the word about RJS and how amazing the experience is.

What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?
My advice to another woman considering the boudoir experience with RJS would be to NEVER DOUBT YOURSELF. Everyone is beautiful no matter the shape or size. You will see yourself in so many new ways and gain so much confidence. Anyone can do this and look/feel beautiful. You got this!

Is there anything else you’d like to add to your interview?
Both of my sessions will always be some of my favorite memories. I will definitely be booking more sessions with RJS in the future. RJS has so many options & different types of themes for your shoot.