
Every Day Boudoir | Reading, PA

Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us? 

A: I found Rachel Jasmine Studio when I was searching for local boudoir studios about a year ago. Something drew me to the studio’s site and I continuously went back to the page to read over the material and look at the images. The women on the site were both beautiful and flawless. I loved to look at the before and after photos and enjoyed reading about their experiences. I could relate to the women featured and each one seemed to have a positive and satisfying experience with the studio.

Q: What was your initial reason for booking? 

A: When I found Rachel Jasmine Studio, I signed up for the mailing list. One day I saw an email come through for the Boudie Call. I decided to apply and when my application was accepted I was honestly dumbfounded. I believe I said “Oh my god” out loud and my husband kept asking me what was wrong. When I told him, I think he was more excited than I was. As my biggest supporter, he knew I needed this experience to boost my self-confidence. He gave me the courage to move forward and book the shoot.

Q: Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they? 

A: I was so anxious upon my arrival the day of my shoot. I spent months preparing myself both physically and mentally. However, all of the nerves and anxiety disappeared when I met Stefanie outside. She had such a warm and welcoming personality and it put my mind at ease immediately. I expected to walk in and the experience to be more of an assembly line to get you in and out of the studio quickly. The experience exceeded my expectations though. Each part of the process was thoroughly explained and I have never felt more comfortable in my own skin especially in front of complete strangers.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time? 

A: INCREDIBLE! My eyes lit up and I was speechless. I was like a child on Christmas opening the present they wanted most. I could not and still cannot believe it is me when I look at the images. My husband sat with me and when we were finished with the reveal, I said “Let’s look at them again!”. We looked through them a second time and all I could say was “Can you believe that is me?”

Q: What products did you purchase, and why do you think other women might love the same pieces? 

A: I purchased The Flame collection which included the LUXE album. Although I have not received my album yet, it was a fun experience to select my cover but it was also difficult selecting my favorite images. I also loved that I received my digital images immediately after the reveal. I was able to look at my images over and over again on my computer and phone! I think this is a perfect package for women. It offers just enough if you are unsure about what your personal experience will be like. I think all women should have an album that they can reflect and look back on. Everyone ages over time so our bodies will only look like this once. I personally want to remember this body the way it is including all of its imperfections.

Q: Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman? 

A: Rachel and her team helped me do what no one else could. I have always had body image issues but when I had children, my self-confidence became worse. I hated looking at myself in the mirror. Like most women, I wanted to fit our culture’s beauty standards and was constantly disgusted with myself. However, this experience has taught me to love myself. I look at my pictures daily to remind myself that just because I have a mom-bod and I do not wear makeup or spend hours on my hair each day, I am beautiful. I have scars and imperfections on this body but that makes me real, it makes me human. My body tells a story and I should not have to change how I look to love me. I see myself in a completely different light and I am beyond blessed to have had this experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio.

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others? 

A: Absolutely! In fact, I have already recommended it to a few people. I had quite a few people shocked that I went through with this experience due to my personality and how conservative I am. So for those that know me, if I can do this so can you! The team at Rachel Jasmine Studio will make you a confident and strong woman. They provide such a warm, comfortable and welcoming atmosphere for their clients and they constantly cheer you on through the whole experience! I would not have asked for a better experience with anyone else but Rachel Jasmine Studio!

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio? 

A: Do not doubt yourself! Rachel and her team will make you look like a movie star. I would also recommend following the guides they provide you. The guides were extremely helpful in preparing for the experience. I used this experience to pamper myself for a change. Go for a massage, get a facial, DO YOU! One thing I went a little crazy on was my outfit choices. I would recommend making your clothing purchases at least a month and a half out so they arrive on time. Also, you only need a few pieces so if you are not sure what will look best, just be mindful of lingerie return policies.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add to your interview? 

A: I would like to thank Rachel and her team for such an amazing and rewarding experience. You gave me the greatest gift that cannot be purchased in a store. You taught me to love myself and gave me the most beautiful pictures to look back on. Thank you for your kindness and support throughout the experience. You ladies are phenomenal!

In addition, I had a few friends (ladies you know who you are) who helped me through some of the prep process. I could not have done this without you. You were the best cheerleaders and I cannot wait until you have this experience so I can cheer you on!

My only regret…not purchasing metal wall art for my bedroom so I can have my self-love reminder front and center daily!

we're ready for you! when you download the booking guide, you'll learn about pricing and session availability, but you'll also receive several emails packed full of all kinds of awesome stuff about boudoir and why you should consider a shoot for yourself. 

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Located in Bernville, PA


Rachel Jasmine Studio serves the Greater Reading Area, Berks and Lancaster Counties, and Eastern Pennsylvania as a dedicated Boudoir & Beauty photography studio. Helping women fall in love with themselves every single day with a luxury experience that will change your life.