Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?
A: I starting seeing one of my social media friends share these gorgeous shots of herself and found them to be by Rachel. I quickly started following her page and became more intrigued after reading some of the stories behind the photos. Beautiful women gaining part of their confidence back, that’s what I wanted.

Q: What was your initial reason for booking?
A: My 30th birthday was quickly approaching and there I was divorced, feeling older, not happy about my body changes from having three babies, and just lost. I wanted to feel like all the other women in these photos, just straight sexy and confident.(Well even if they didn’t feel that way, you would never be able to tell!!!) I wanted to find part of me and put it back 🙂
P.s. it’s also a bonus that you see women of all shapes sizes and color.

Q: Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?
A: Despite reading the guide, I had no expectations because this was all new to me. Nervous was an understatement. After we got hair and make up done, posed the first couple of shots I began to feel more comfortable. Rachel kept reassuring me and soon my confidence began to lift.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time?
A: I was floored the first time I saw my images. I looked like myself, just the complete smoke show version. I found exactly what I was looking for. My outside matched my inside, I was feeling myself to say the least. I ended up upgrading my package as I couldn’t decide on images. I’m sure this happens often as Rachel is truly a master at her art. Go for the bigger package, trust me you’ll want all of the images !!!!

Q: Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?
A: Every time I feel a little down about myself, I pull out my album. It’s unexplainable but it truly helps. It makes me feel good about myself and my body that carried three lives. It gives me the confidence that I lack some days much like anyone else. Boudoir is much more than half naked women. It’s art, it’s confidence, it’s self love, it’s self expression.

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?
A: I would 10/10 recommend this experience to any woman for any reason. If you even have one tiny desire that you may want to do this. I’m telling you, don’t wait, just do it. Usually when you book, you have a few months or weeks to prepare so it’s not like the photo shoot is right around the corner. You have time to shop and mentally prepare yourself to push yourself outside the box of comfort.
Also, I see a lot of people talk about payment as it can get a bit pricey. There are many payment options you can go through If you don’t want to put all the money upfront or don’t have all of it at one time. Please don’t think it is not within reach because of the price. In the guide, they give a few different payment options. Take a look and see which one is right for you. Also Rachel gives many great flash sales and contests so check those out also!

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?
A: If there was ever a time to take a leap outside your comfort zone, do it. Call and speak with a team member if you have any questions and schedule the Initial date for booking. If you feel like you need time, schedule a few months in advance. This will give you time to go through payment options, shop and see what makes you feel good, and prepare for a mind blowing reveal 🙂