Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?
A: I have been apart of the RJS Facebook page for a years and loved every single photo! My sister also was a client of Rachels and I knew I had to be next! It took me 3 years to finally feel confident enough to book a session with Rachel. I know that sounds silly but I’ve always struggled with body image and my weight and I never felt enough for these photos. The women Rachel shoots are gorgeous, and perfect in every way and I never felt that I could possibly live up to those women.

Q: What was your initial reason for booking?
A: Honestly I left it up to chance, I decided that if I was blessed with a booty call spot then I was meant to have the shoot and I wouldn’t turn it down. I was honestly terrified the closer it came to my shoot but I knew for my growth the past couple years I needed to do this. I changed my life 2 years ago from losing 60lbs to getting sober and I knew this was my next step. Confidence is fleeting for me because I still see the broken soul I was and not the person I am today, and that’s why I did this. I needed to see the person I’ve blossomed into and realize that girl is here and the broken one no longer is. This shoot was an amazing puzzle piece to my growth journey.

Q: Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?
A: I was nervous and over analyzed every damn aspect of what I did before walking in.. Did I pick the right outfit, was I going to look like a dork, will I be too goofy. I am not a serious person nor do I view myself as sexy in any aspect so I honestly was just hoping for Rachel to work her magic. Y’all did that happen and more!! Rachel and her team welcome you with open arms, and make you feel like part of the family! I went from a bundle of nerves to so relaxed and ready to get started! The first couple photos I was a little nervous but Rachel walks you through every movement, pose, facial expression you makes you feel so damn confident. I walked in there nervous and felt like I strutted out with confidence.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time?
A: I tried not to cry. I saw them and was in complete shock. I never, ever pictured myself the way I was in those photos, I looked like a whole snack. It was so surreal going through and looking at that woman and realizing how amazing and strong she is and how much she has overcome just by looking at those photos. I’m pretty sure I said holy shit ( can I say that on here?) about a hundred times and denied the it was me! It’s honestly so amazing seeing your photos for the first time.

Q: What products did you purchase, and why do you think other women might love the same pieces?
A: I purchased the smoke collection so I received my 25 photos and an album with the most amazing vegan white croc skin. Y’all my vegan heart was so happy with those options!!! Honestly who wouldn’t love a book of them looking absolutely gorgeous? I know it’ll be my favorite book I own to date.

Q: Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?
A: Everything. Everything has changed for me since my shoot. I put myself into a box of being a mom, a stroke survivor, overweight, over drinker and instead I’m a badass survivor who has overcome so much. I am learning to love who I am in the body I’ve been blessed with. My growth is a huge part of who I’ve become and this shoot helped me grow just a little bit more. I noticed I’ve become a little more confident with each day that passes.

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?
A: 1,000% every single person should have a shoot with Rachel. I will show them my photos and say run right now and book with her cause she’s amazing. You won’t feel this comfortable or amazing with anyone else, Rachel and her team are rockstars.

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?
A: My one tip of advice that I wish I would have taken is to just do it. Don’t wait for the right time or the perfect moment, just book the shoot if you can. I wish I would have booked years ago but so blessed I was able to do it now. You better believe I’ll be back for another!!

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add to your interview?
A: You are worth it. Even if you think you aren’t, you are 100% worth it to love on yourself. If you don’t do this for anyone else please do it for yourself. You will be so incredibly happy you did! Also please know that you are a badass.