Q: How did you first hear of Rachel Jasmine Studio and what made you want to book with us?
A: I cannot remember exactly how I came across Rachel’s page but it was a few years ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. For a long time I wanted to book a session because I felt like it would be the perfect thing to do just for myself. I spend so much time taking care of others at work as a nurse, at home, and with extended family members that I felt I needed to finally go above and beyond for myself and do something I had always dreamt of doing.

Q: What was your initial reason for booking?
A: I have followed Rachel for a few years, always envying these beautiful women and wanting to be one but never being able to pull the trigger. I finally got the courage when she posted a boudie call for the summer. It was spur of the moment and not something I had actually planned on doing but I figured I better do it before I chickened out! At the time I needed something just for myself and to help make me feel beautiful. I am so so glad I did 🙂

Q: Did you have any expectations going into the shoot? What were they?
A: I was very nervous going into this experience. I had done similar pictures before with someone a few years back and it was so uncomfortable and the pictures made me feel worse about myself, not better. I was so in awe of how Rachel brought out not only the outer beauty of the girls I had seen, but their inner beauty and personalities as well. I went in hopeful and excited, expecting to at least get a few good pictures. My self esteem is not the best, especially after having my daughter. I wanted to be one of those women.

Q: What was it like seeing your images for the first time?
A: When I saw my pictures for the first time I was in awe. I did not recognize the woman staring back at me. I did not think I had it in me to take pictures and have them come out so great. Years of bullying and self doubt made me believe I couldn’t. Despite having a wonderful husband who always reassures me that I am beautiful, it is so hard to undo years of people telling you you’re not good enough……not pretty enough. As I looked through the pictures those feelings started to melt away and I felt so powerful and oh so beautiful.

Q: Has anything changed for you since your boudoir experience and seeing your gallery? How has boudoir impacted your body image as a woman?
A: This photoshoot has helped me feel sexy and worthy. I have never seen myself the way my husband has until I had my image reveal. Watching his face as he scrolled through the pictures made my self confidence burst through the roof. Yes I know he loves me, and he thinks I’m sexy, but after 14 years, 60lbs of weight gain and a baby it can be hard to believe. I thought that part of my life was over. I wish I would have done this sooner! It has been so immensely healing and eye opening and probably the best self care I have ever gifted to myself. It has helped me to love myself again.

Q: Would you recommend Rachel Jasmine Studio for the luxury boudoir experience to others?
A: I would absolutely recommend doing a shoot with Rachel. She is easily one of the most comfortable people I have ever been around. Everything was so easy. She makes you feel as though you can do anything. I went into this with no clue how to pose, and no confidence in my actions and Rachel quickly made those feelings fade away. The amount of confidence she gave me and the obvious love for what she does made this experience everything I wanted and more and I cannot wait to book again.

Q: What advice would you give to another woman considering the boudoir experience with Rachel Jasmine Studio?
A: Do it! Don’t hesitate, don’t think you can’t, because you can. It easily will make you see yourself in a whole new light. It is an instant pick me up. I often go back to these pictures and think “wow, I’m beautiful, I stepped out of my comfort zone, and I’m a badass for doing so” I want everyone to feel that way, because everyone deserves to feel empowered.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add to your interview?
A: I don’t think I would ever be able to thank Rachel enough for this experience and these photos that I will be able to treasure forever. My self confidence has soared and I no longer look in the mirror with sadness. Instead there’s a twinkle in my eye because I know what I’m capable of. Its an instant mood booster. And for that I will always be grateful <3