Some of these may apply to you. Maybe none. Maybe all of them. Boudoir is much like anything else where no client experience is the same. But when we ask our clients “so, what took you so long to finally book?” these are often the things they’ll tell us!
1. I need to lose weight.
Listen. You don’t need to lose a damn pound to achieve success in ANYTHING in life. Oprah Winfrey has battled with her weight for as long as I can remember, but did that stop her from hosting her show? Did she say “No, I don’t think I can be a billionaire today because I ate too much cheese during the holidays.” Hell no.
You are worthy of anything you want as soon as you make the DECISION that you deserve it. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that you deserve to love and honor the woman you are right in this very moment. Because the ghosts of the former versions of us need it. Our future selves need it. Be brave enough to love yourself and all of your imperfections. You’ve got the girls at RJS and our army of empowered women telling you that it’s OKAY to make yourself a priority. Boudoir isn’t about having the perfect body. It’s about learning that your body, the one that let’s you experience this incredible thing we call life, is perfect the way it is right now and everyday moving forward as it naturally evolves over time.

2. I don’t have anyone to give my boudoir images to.
For some reason boudoir has really taken on the expectation that it should be a surprise gift for a spouse or partner. Don’t get me wrong- we LOVE helping our clients facilitate surprise, sexy gifts… but it doesn’t end there. Whether the album is being gifted to a partner or themselves, our clients are almost always doing this for themselves FIRST. Many of our clients are single or divorced. The way we feel about our boudoir photos should never be contingent on the opinion of someone else anyway. So, if you don’t have anyone to give the images to, it’s because you haven’t found someone yet who DESERVES the most intimate parts of you. So, do it for you.
Besides, if you really want to show your hot ass off don’t think for a second we won’t get you a billboard on 422 to bless Berks County with your gorgeous self!

3. I don’t look like the women on your website.
I’ll tell you a secret. They didn’t think they looked like the women on our website too. But there they are. Existing among all the other RJS queens who gave us permission to share their images.
It probably does seem impossible, because it’s never been done. Most of my clients, outside of maybe their wedding and a couple family photos, have never been professionally photographed. So it’s not unreasonable for you to think this. But, I promise that I will style you and pose you, and push you so far out of your comfort zone- by the time we wrap up your Image Reveal, you’ll be packing your bags to go live in the Playboy Mansion and to have daily photo shoots done with celebrity photographers.

4. I don’t have the confidence to do a boudoir shoot.
You’ll never book your session if you are waiting for the day to have confidence. And I can bet that you think it’s tied to numbers 1 & 2 on this list. Either you think that confidence will come from changing your physical appearance, or confidence will come by giving someone else the power to hold your self worth in their hands; so you’ll borrow the confidence they give you.
What is required to move past this obstacle is actually bravery! Confidence is the reward we receive for doing brave things. Go earn that confidence, girl. You’ll never regret stepping outside of your comfort zone and learning a new thing about yourself.
Related: What you’ve been missing to book a boudoir session

5. I can’t spend that kind of money on myself.
Women are true blessings to humanity. We care so much for others; but often at the expense of ourselves. And this will never change- and it SHOULD never change. We are superheros who ask for nothing in return. But we deserve happiness. And we deserve to make ourselves a priority.
We can appreciate that for some of our clients, the boudoir experience is an investment that deserves thoughtful consideration. We have plenty of financing solutions to help with that. But, first we need to help you say “yes” to yourself and commit to making a purchase that will pay off in dividends when you come out the other side as a more confident version of you. Self empowerment is the greatest gift we can give ourselves. And we are here ready for you when you decide to begin that journey.

If you’d like to learn more about what we offer, please don’t hesitate to download The Booking Guide to learn about our Incentive Program, payment plans, and the full list of financing options.